Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This year Halloween seemed to come and go very quickly. It feels like every year seems to go by faster and faster. Also, this year costumes seemed to be very simple. Usually, I stress about costumes the most, but I really didn't think twice about them this year. Gage chose to be Hulk which was easy to find. Brooke wanted to be an Angel again this year, for a very sweet reason which I didn't find out until today. Sierra picked out a butterfly costume at goodwill with Grandma Catherine a few weeks prior. And Summer was the octopus that she was last year. I was so excited, because that is my favorite costume and none of them will fit into it next year. Everything just seemed to fall into place.

The weekend before Halloween we went to Howloween at the zoo. The kids got to wear their costumes and go on a scavenger hunt kind of thing. That was lots of fun. Then on Halloween night we had Grandma Sheri and some friends come over for dinner and trick-or-treating. We were out for so long that the kids were finally asking to go home! They got lots of candy for Mom and Dad though!

During the trick-or-treating Brooke told Grandma Sheri, "Grandma, do you know why I am an Angel? Because that is what Grandpa always called me and he's an angel now. So now we both are." Wow. Then, at another point during the evening, Sierra said, "listen, if you be really quiet and close your eyes, you can see Grandpa Fred." Again, Wow. They understand things so much more than people give them credit for. My kids never fail to amaze me every single day.

Howloween at the zoo.

The crazy family.

Our group


Amy said...

Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere!!! I missed you. It's silly, but this is how I keep up with people's lives. We need to hang out.

Alice said...

WOW! Love the story, love the pictures. HHUULLKK, beautiful angel, butterfly, and what are all those arms? Summer, the Octopus! Love you guys. HUGS!