Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mommy's Boy

When kids are teenagers, can we hold them to what they said and did when they were 5 years old?

Today I asked Gage if he had a girlfriend at school and he wrapped his little arms around me and said "mom, you're all I want" and then as he is snuggling his little face in my neck he says, "I have all I'll ever need, right here." When I ask Gage where he is going to live when he grows up he tells me, "In a tent that takes up the whole backyard." And when he was little if I would say, "Gage, I'm sad" he would hug me and say, "It's okay mommy, I'll always be your baby Gage." Every morning before he gets on the school bus, he stops at the stairs to the bus, turns around and throws me a hug and a kiss! Even though he hugged and kissed me just before he left the sidewalk!

I love having a mommy's boy, but I can't help but think of how much I am going to miss it when he grows up!