Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

So, yesterday was Father's Day. We had a really nice day with Nana Neener and Papa John. Went to breakfast and to wonderland with the kids. I am so lucky to have married a man who LOVES his kids and his family SO SO SO much!

When we came home as I was making dinner, I checked my Facebook, and I was hit by some comments from a friend about missing my Dad. I had held it together all day! Not anymore! As I stood at the sink crying, Sierra came to me and asked if I was okay. I said that I just missed my Daddy and that it was hard to not be able to tell him Happy Father's Day. She took my hand and softly said, "I miss him too." and just stood there with me. After a few minutes she let go of my hand, and went over to the stove and started stirring the dinner for me. How blessed am I to have kids who just let me cry and take care of my responsibilities when I am hurting!

I sure Miss you Daddy. I wish you were here to see how great your Grandbabies are turning out. I know you are looking down on them, but it doesn't feel the same. Happy Father's Day.

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